Saturday, July 13, 2013

Rose's Diary

My name is Rose. I am seven. I have a sister named Olivia. I have a mom named Jessica. I have a dad named D.J.. My Family has a dog named Cinamon. I like prinsesses. I like Fairys. I like ponys. I like Amarican girl. I like baseball. I like to play outside. I like to watch Good Luck Charlie.

I have lots of Friends. My three best friend are Emma, Becca, and Abigal. Abigal is my cosin. Once I got a book called The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Kate Dicamillo was the Author. I think it was the best book in the world. I have the Amarican girl named Christen. I love to read. I love to draw.

My faverite disney princess is Jasmine. My favorite outside game is called men in black. I have a faimaly of soft dolls. There names are Raggidy Andy, Raggidy Ann, Jasmine, Mulan, Pinkalishous, Twilite sparkle and Roar. I have glasses. I like to make Sally and Nick books.

I did ballet. This year I am switching to Jazz. My teacher is Ms. Carry.

The End


  1. I love to watch Good Luck Charlie too!!! It's a favorite in this house as well. Keep em' coming Rose. :)

    1. I like Good Luck Charlie because it's funny. My favorite character is Teddy, and she is the star. Thanks for reading!

  2. I am so proud of your writing, Rosemary! I love you and your sister, Olivia very much!!!I am an older mom in your family. Guess who?

    1. Mamaw! I am going to keep writing. I hope to see you soon! I love love love love love love love love you!

    2. P.S. I love love love love love love love Papaw, too!

  3. Hey Rosemary! Abigail is thinking of starting a blog too. You have inspired her. Your blog is very nice. We love you! - Aunt Amanda and the gang

    1. If you haven't watched Good Luck Charlie, go on Netflix and type it in. You'll find it. My favorite part is answering what people say. I hope you have fun blogging. I would like to read it.

      I love you!

  4. Hi Rosemary, I'm your Nana's friend Jeanie.
    I enjoy your blog a lot...keep writing and I'll keep reading! I even recommended it to my niece
    who is an English teacher in Raleigh. You remind me of her when she was your age.
    Do you think teaching might be in your future?
    Keep up the good work and tell your family I said hi!

    1. I think I'll be an artist or make books alone, when i grow up. I'll keep writing. I'll keep reading. Thank you for reading!

